L-Ewwel Tqarbina€3.50PriceStandard Card Inside Message:Illum li qed tiċċelebra Jum l-Ewwel Tqarbina tieghek, ftakar li l-imħabba ta' Ġesù ħa tkun dejjem hemm biex tiproteġik, tigwidak u tbierkek.Choose an option:SelectPersonalised Option: What name would you like to be printed on the outside of the card? (optional)25Add to Cart
L-Ewwel Tqarbina€3.50PriceStandard Card Inside Message:Illum li qed tiċċelebra Jum l-Ewwel Tqarbina tieghek, ftakar li l-imħabba ta' Ġesù ħa tkun dejjem hemm biex tiproteġik, tigwidak u tbierkek.Choose an option:SelectPersonalised Option: What name would you like to be printed on the outside of the card? (optional)25Add to Cart